Tuesday, May 15, 2007

alberto gonzalez sucks

alberto gonzalez sucks, and i am not spelling his name gonzales like he spells it because i have no respect for the man and do not even want to dignify him with a proper spelling of his name, plus his way of spelling that name is not the one most hispanics use. look at this article on how alberto gonzalez and andrew card went to visit a sick john ashcroft in the hospital to try to get approval for a domestic spying program that the acting attorney general righteously refused to give his approval for. and john ashcroft opposed the spying program too! so alberto gonzalez was out trying to get everyone to sign off on taking away everyone’s privacy and having the government spy on everyone, and even john ashcroft was righteous enough to say no! and you know how much people like me have criticized john ashcroft, for all he did to take away our freedoms. it turns out john ashcroft was just following orders, and was actually opposed to some of the efforts of the president and alberto gonzalez to take away our freedoms. alberto gonzalez is the real villain here. he is also the guy who authorized torture when he was white house counsel, and his only real qualification for being attorney general is being a close friend to george w. bush for so many years. so then, if alberto gonzalez just does everything out of extreme loyalty to his close friend george w. bush (like the u.s. attorney scandal, for instance), then who is the ultimate villain? george w. bush. but alberto gonzalez sucks because presidents always ask people around them to do stuff those other people don’t approve of, but alberto gonzalez seems to be even more hell-bent on spying on people and using torture and taking away constitutional rights like habeas corpus and setting up kangaroo courts and replacing career professionals with right-wing political hacks than the president himself is. and he has betrayed his own people, since his own parents were illegal immigrants from mexico, yet he is signing off on bush’s plan to create a “guest worker program” that would really just officially endorse the presence of a large underclass of people with hardly any rights who can get paid next to nothing and do not even get to stay here, whose presence here keeps people from hiring actual citizens of this great nation. and according to bush’s plan, illegal immigrants would have to leave the united states before they can sign up for the program to become guest workers, and then they could come back, which is absolutely ridiculous! why not just let them sign up when they are actually here already? and photograph them and get their fingerprints and dna samples when they become legalized as guest workers. then, if the police ever catch them doing any crimes, they will know who these people are, and if immigration authorities ever find them after they overstay their period of time here, they can be sent back home. we have to know who they are, first of all. secondly, they ought to have some rights, like the right to due process and not being kept locked up indefinitely without a trial or being deported. and of course a minimum wage for them, and universal health insurance for all americans, including these guest workers. we should not create a permanent underclass of people with no rights who are discriminated against by the government. as long as we know who they are and can track how long they are here, and we let them have the same rights as everyone else, it is fine. now there ought to be a few extra benefits for citizens, such as voting, but we should not treat the guest workers too differently from other people. as for social security benefits, i actually don’t like the social security system at all and would prefer to completely dismantle it and replace it with a much better social safety net system that includes universal health care. i know a lot of people like social security and are dependent upon it, but what if we replaced social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, and veterans’ benefits with a single unified system, one giant government program to replace all the smaller ones, which would all be dismantled? a single social safety net program that would give everyone health care and extend extra benefits to certain people such as the unemployed, veterans, the elderly, people with disabilities, and people injured on the job. one system to rule them all. one centralized database with centralized recordkeeping on everyone, to avoid all the confusion about people’s changing addresses, or death certificates to prove people died, and all that other bullshit because of different government agencies that don’t share information. and of course, this system would share its records on where people live and their phone numbers and social security numbers with each board of elections, so the boards of elections would not have such out-of-date records full of dead people and people who moved away. the entire system would be electronic, computerized, and hacker-proof, with very tight security. the trouble with the government today is, while some government agencies have correct information about you, others have out-of-date, incorrect information, and this hampers the government’s ability to effectively deliver services to citizens, punish criminals, and do many other important government services. the government does not even know if you are alive or dead, or if one government agency knows, there is another one that has no idea. even after the government issues a dead person a death certificate, most government agencies still assume the person is alive. what a stupid, old-fashioned, low-tech government! they cannot even tell when people are dead, and when you move to a new address and tell one government agency, the rest of them still have you at the old address. idiots. someone needs to fix this shit. and it isn’t alberto gonzalez. see, there are plenty of government agencies keeping records on you, and lots of them don’t have such good security for their data. if everything is centralized, this would improve accuracy and data security, and help protect your privacy. and it should all be computerized, with minimal usage of paper forms, especially paper forms sent from one government agency to another in the mail. the government ought to be smarter than to go around sending useless scraps of paper from one part of itself to another through the postal service when it could be using the internet and sending the data instantly without requiring any trees to be cut down for paper or any gasoline to be used to deliver the mail. there is way too much paper being used up and centralizing and computerizing everything should minimize the hell out of that and help save the environment. and that would help slow down global warming, too! everybody wins! except alberto gonzalez. he sucks. by the way, i almost always misspell his name in this blog, and it was originally an accident in previous posts, but now that i know better, it is on purpose.

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