the blue states are ones where barack obama has won more pledged delegates than hillary clinton. the red states are ones where hillary clinton has won more pledged delegates than barack obama. the purple states are ones where both candidates tied in pledged delegates. the grey states are ones that do not count and get zero delegates, so neither candidate gets any delegates from those states. the green states have not voted yet, but are states where barack obama is favored to beat hillary clinton. the yellow states have not voted yet, but are states where hillary clinton is favored to beat barack obama. for the numbers on pledged delegates for all the states that already voted, click here to verify everything at that accounts for all the red, blue, purple, and grey states. as for the green and yellow states, those are all predictions i made based on what i heard pundits on the news say, and looking at polls and prediction markets online. i am fairly confident that most if not all green states will go for obama and most if not all yellow states will go for clinton. now, you ask, what about the irregularities? what about florida and michigan being greyed out and not counting? won’t they end up counting somehow for clinton? well, according to the current rules, no, they will not count at all. the rules could be changed later on, by a committee whose members will mostly be appointed by my personal hero howard dean, chairman of the democratic national committee. but, florida and michigan will certainly not count if it changes the result of who the nominee is. anyway, what about the other oddities: new hampshire, nevada, missouri, and texas? new hampshire held a primary and hillary clinton won, but the results were so close, both candidates got the same number of delegates. similarly, missouri also held a primary where the results were close, and in this case barack obama won, but the results were so close, both candidates got the same number of delegates. nevada had a caucus, and it had very strange rules... very very strange rules. more people voted for hillary clinton, but barack obama ended up with more pledged delegates from nevada. whose fault is that? the nevada democratic party, for coming up with those strange rules. apparently, it has something to do with geography and different parts of the state being allocated different numbers of delegates, or something like that. it makes no sense. texas also had strange rules. they held both a caucus and a primary. the primary was held first and got more media attention, and hillary clinton won the texas primary. the texas caucus, held later the same day, was won by barack obama, but the media ignored this and pretended hillary clinton won texas. however, both the texas primary and the texas caucus contribute pledged delegates to the national convention. since barack obama’s victory in the texas caucus was much larger than hillary clinton’s victory in the texas primary, barack obama won more pledged delegates from texas than hillary clinton. so, why did i choose the colors i chose? well, hillary clinton has been using karl rove-style fearmongering and character assassination against barack obama, she has very recently threatened to start a nuclear war if iran attacks israel, she has been cozying up to right-wing media moguls like rupert murdoch and richard mellon scaife, and she denounced at a private fundraiser, despite the fact that was founded to defend her husband and his presidency from the republicans impeaching him. in other words, hillary clinton has been cozying up to right-wing people and denouncing left-wing people, and she has been acting like a right-winger. represents the left-wing activist base of the democratic party, and had a democratic election to determine who to endorse, requiring at least 2/3 of those voting to choose the same candidate in order to make an endorsement. barack obama won the endorsement of fair and square. by the way, i am not a member of i used to be, a few years ago, but quit because i get tons of spam email and want as little email sent to me as possible. i hate email passionately. and why is barack obama blue? well, barack obama is a true democrat, a true liberal/progressive, and oftentimes when i look at hillary clinton supporters denouncing him online, they say that he is too liberal or left-wing to be president (so i assume they prefer a republican-lite dlc-style corporate bought-and-paid-for democrat to an actual liberal progressive democrat from the democratic wing of the democratic party). now, barack obama is not perfect, but he is a lot better than hillary clinton or john mccain. the rev. jeremiah wright thing is a problem, but both hillary clinton and john mccain are associated with shady pastors and religious groups that have said or done equally controversial things. the “bitter” comments at the san francisco fundraiser were pretty much an entirely accurate analysis of things, in the spirit of a book called “what’s the matter with kansas?”. by the way, kansas is turning democratic now, thanks to that book, and the democratic governor of kansas, a middle-aged white woman who happens to be a democrat, is a high-profile supporter of barack obama. earlier in the race, barack obama was accused of lying about nafta, but it turned out obama was telling the truth, as revealed by the canadian government, and hillary clinton was actually a complete and utter liar about nafta, which we found out once her records as first lady were made public. so “nafta-gate” is a problem for clinton, not obama. and what about the columbian free trade agreement that both mark penn and bill clinton were lobbying for? mark penn got demoted but still works in the campaign, and bill clinton is still going around making a fool of himself in public, tarnishing his image among people like me who once respected him greatly. hillary clinton’s high-profile supporters, such as james carville, geraldine ferraro, bill clinton, and the founder of b.e.t. (black entertainment television) have been going around saying stupid things that make her look bad. who has more endorsements that count? barack obama has been endorsed by fellow candidates bill richardson and chris dodd, by the organization, by the nation magazine, by the huffington post, by the daily kos, and by most of the progressive blogosphere, not to mention the support of ted and caroline kennedy, michael moore, john kerry, jimmy carter, and of course oprah winfrey. hillary clinton has the support of her husband, her daughter, perez hilton, barbra streisand, elton john, rush limbaugh, and ann coulter, along with a small percentage of the blogosphere, and a lot of establishment politicians who reflexively endorse whomever the party establishment decides ought to be the nominee. and if you look at youtube videos, there are many, many times more pro-obama or anti-hillary videos than pro-hillary videos. the internets are a series of tubes, and hillary clinton gets hardly any support in most of the internets tubes. a few internets have tubes that are full of hillary clinton supporters, but those internets are the exception to the rule. so, am i pro-obama just because of mob mentality, because virtually all the websites and blogs i read are pro-obama? well kinda, sort of. those are where i get my information, because i do not trust the mainstream media to report the whole truth (they leave things out) or to report the truth in an unbiased fashion (they mix it with opinion and commentary, all done by people paid to do it by the large media corporations such as news corporation, disney, time warner, and general electric). but i also kinda sort of think for myself, a little bit. not too much. i did this map thing on my own and thought about it on my own. so anyway, back to the colors. barack obama is blue because he is a true democrat and blue is the color for democrats. hillary clinton is red because she has been acting like a republican and cozying up to republicans while denouncing fellow democrats, and for saying that john mccain is qualified to be commander-in-chief but barack obama is not. states where they got equal numbers of delegates are purple, since red and green mix to make purple. states that do not count are grey because that is the background color, and it emphasizes the fact that they do not count. states where barack obama is favored to win are green because green is associated with environmentalism, environmentalism is associated with al gore, and al gore is speculated to secretly be a supporter of barack obama. states where hillary clinton is favored to win are yellow because yellow is associated with yellow journalism and scare tactics, which is how she is trying to win. now, why on earth am i criticizing hillary clinton, when the media tells us that she might be the democratic nominee, and i do not want to hurt our chances of beating john mccain in the fall? well, i think hillary clinton has virtually zero chance of winning, but her small sliver of a chance rests with the superdelegates, as well as states which have not voted yet. so, just in case any of those people are reading this, i just want to get that message out to them, to get hillary clinton’s chances go all the way down to zero. she won pennsylvania on tuesday, but that was expected, and nobody ever thought barack obama had a chance of winning that state. but pennsylvania is just 1 of 50 states. barack obama has won 30 out of 45 contests and hillary clinton has won 15 out of 45, according to the mainstream media. i am not sure how those numbers are calculated, since some of the contests were ties as far as delegates are concerned, nevada gave more delegates to the candidate who got less votes, i am not sure whether 45 includes michigan and florida, and i am not sure which candidate the media is counting texas for. but, regardless, barack obama has won twice as many primaries/caucuses as hillary clinton. he is also so far ahead in pledged delegates that hillary clinton has no chance of winning, and after pennsylvania, things are just getting worse for her. after north carolina and indiana both vote the same day, barack obama is likely to increase his delegate lead, by winning big in north carolina and losing by a narrow margin in indiana. and after north carolina and indiana, the only states left are kentucky, montana, oregon, south dakota, and west virginia. of course puerto rico also has a primary coming up too, despite not being a state, and it has plenty of delegates, although not enough for hillary clinton to make up for being so far behind barack obama. so basically it is estimated hillary clinton would need to win 80% of all pledged delegates awarded after north carolina and indiana, if the polls in north carolina and indiana are anywhere close to being accurate. that is impossible... hillary clinton winning 4 times as many delegates as barack obama from those last few remaining states. that is why she cannot win. the superdelegates are unwilling to overturn the will of the people. they will go with whoever wins the most pledged delegates, and we already know that will be barack obama. so why the need to point out how hillary clinton is a liar and likes to cozy up to right-wingers like rupert murdoch and richard mellon scaife? i am still a little worried about the superdelegates, since the hillary clinton campaign is now mostly geared towards wooing superdelegates, not winning elections. i am worried they might succumb to the clinton mind control, if they have bill, hillary, and chelsea all calling them on the phone reciting talking points. the undeclared superdelegates are facing many pressures and being contacted by all sorts of people with all sorts of pitches on why one of the 2 candidates should be their choice rather than the other. and, according to the news media, one of the main issues is electability: which candidate has a better chance of beating john mccain in november. hillary clinton and her campaign have tried to do character assassination on barack obama, in order to destroy his electability so that she is the only one who can win in november. so far, their character assassination has failed. but since they have unleashed that weaponry against barack obama, it is only fair that barack obama supporters respond in kind, with their own campaign of character assassination against hillary clinton. the majority of americans already find her dishonest and do not approve of her. she and her supporters have tried to tie barack obama’s hands by saying that since he is running a positive campaign about hope and unity, he is not allowed to ever criticize anyone else or point out anything bad that someone else said or did. the clinton campaign is trying to portray barack obama as a hypocrite for doing negative attacks against hillary clinton when he was supposed to be the positive candidate of hope and unity, who was above that sort of thing. and the barack obama campaign has constantly been refraining from a lot of possible attacks they could have done. so they need other people to do it, people who are not associated with the campaign in any way, because that way, the obama campaign can disassociate themselves from any supporters of obama who criticize hillary clinton. john mccain has been playing this game, of having supporters of his criticize obama or clinton, and then disassociating himself from his own supporters and their remarks. anyway, my point is, john mccain has purposefully been avoiding attacks on hillary clinton, and focused his campaign on attacking barack obama instead, to try to help hillary clinton beat barack obama in the democratic nomination battle. he knows that barack obama is a more formidable opponent, because right-wingers have been digging up dirt and compiling all sorts of incriminating “evidence” against the clintons for many, many years now. the starr report by kenneth starr was just part of a much larger scheme by them against the clintons, including key players like dick morris, who was the guy that ran bill clinton’s successful 1996 presidential campaign but then got fired for being in a sex scandal. this also includes key players like richard mellon scaife, who hillary clinton recently met with to get the endorsement of a pennsylvania newspaper he owns. this “vast right-wing conspiracy” that hillary clinton once spoke of is real, and it really is out to get her. so we democrats need to make obama the nominee, because nobody knows anything about barack obama, so the republicans will have a tough time digging up any dirt on him. and obama is one of those teflon politicians that nothing ever sticks to, and if the media has been treating him favorably, that is a very good thing, since the media decides elections by influencing voters to vote one way or the other through the bias in its coverage. it is always a good idea to have a candidate that the media covers favorably. the republicans have john mccain, who has been covered in an extremely favorable fashion by most of the media for many years. so it would be insane to have a candidate that the media dislikes, like hillary clinton, run against a media favorite like john mccain in the general election. to have any chance of winning, we need a candidate that the media adores just as much as they adore john mccain, a candidate like barack obama. besides, hillary clinton can only win the democratic nomination by overturning the will of the people, who have chosen barack obama, and it is almost impossible for the will of the people in the vast majority of states that already voted to be overturned by voters in the few remaining states. remember, in 1980, ted kennedy kept his campaign going all the way to the convention, running against incumbent president jimmy carter for the democratic presidential nomination, despite being way behind in delegates and having no chance of winning. and then ronald reagan defeated jimmy carter by a huge margin in the general election, because of all the damage inflicted by ted kennedy staying in the race long after he had no chance of winning, instead of rallying behind jimmy carter as the leader of the democratic party as ted kennedy should have done. ted kennedy is partially to blame for ronald reagan becoming president. and in 1984 and 1988, contentious democratic nomination battles between fellow democratic candidates that went on for too long resulted in incredibly weakened candidates running in the general election, and plenty of attacks that the republicans could use against the eventual democratic nominees, supplied by the other democratic candidates. similarly, the longer hillary clinton stays in the race, the more ammunition she gives the republicans to use against barack obama. this could have the same disastrous results that it had for democrats in 1980, 1984, and 1988. if we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. that is a famous saying. all hillary clinton is doing is destroying the chances of a democrat winning the white house this november, in the time-honored tradition of how democratic presidential candidates behaved all throughout the 1980s, the time-honored self-destruct mechanism of the democratic party that engages itself in most presidential races. it is time to turn the self-destruct mechanism off. maybe if hillary clinton’s popularity falls down to the range of george w. bush (28%), she will finally call it quits so we can unite the party and work together to win in november. but we have to get hillary clinton to drop out of the race as fast as possible if we want to win in november. all she is doing by staying in this race is helping john mccain win. after 8 years of hell under george w. bush, we democrats need to win back the white house very very badly, and we cannot afford to have anyone screwing things up for us. we need victory, and we need to unite behind a candidate who can deliver us victory in the upcoming general election, as fast as possible. there is no alternative. if we keep bickering amongst ourselves as democrats, we will make ourselves the laughingstock of the nation, and john mccain will easily win, and continue most of george w. bush’s policies for another 4 or 8 years. we cannot risk doing anything that might improve john mccain’s chances of winning, like letting barack obama and hillary clinton keep attacking each other all the way until the convention. we need to stop fighting each other and focus on fighting john mccain and the republicans. but sadly, that is impossible until we are down to just 1 democratic candidate. so until that point, we need to pressure whoever is losing to drop out of the race, so that we actually have a decent shot at winning the general election. anybody who dares stand in the way of having a democrat defeat john mccain in the general election needs to be defeated. for if they are not defeated, they will achieve victory and we democrats will be the ones who are defeated. our team, the democrats, needs to work together really hard to win this thing, and the longer we are fighting amongst ourselves, the more we are weakened and easy prey for the republicans to defeat. since hillary clinton cannot achieve victory in the nomination battle, she is already defeated, but she can still defeat others despite the fact that she herself is defeated, by helping out either barack obama or john mccain and making them victorious. a defeated loser can still help someone else win by fighting by their side, playing on their team, and helping them achieve victory. obviously victory is better than defeat. that is why we have to win. think about that... if you dare! geez i am so sleep deprived and tired... i can’t write coherent sentences anymore. i am going to go to sleep now. good night, or whatever time it is when you read this. i guess you will read this in the future, not the past or the present, unless you have a time machine or something. so it could be day or night, depending on the time zone. you might not even be on earth! you could be an astronaut on the international space station. i wonder if they get internet up there. anyway, if you are an astronaut, come back to earth by november so you can vote, or send an absentee ballot to earth from space. we need your support. if you are a cosmonaut, well, do whatever vladimir putin says or else he will have you assassinated. i’m glad we don’t live in russia, here in america. hopefully continental drift will not make america part of russia. i am making less and less sense. maybe in the future, i can go back in time and edit this blog post so it makes more sense. or maybe i wrote a better version of it in a parallel universe. maybe an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters could come up with something better. but then we would need an infinite number of scanners to scan the documents, and an infinite number of computers with an infinite number of low-wage workers who do data entry to digitize all of that analog paper information. that is what we do at the place where i work, except we don’t have monkeys, and nothing there is infinite. however, i am not sure who writes/types the documents that get sent to us... probably not monkeys. i think it is either bonobos or chimpanzees. or gorillas. no, wait... baboons. no, that can’t be right... neanderthals? no... something more gay-sounding... homo erectus, that’s it. all the documents we receive in the mail are typed by homo erectus using the erect homosexual penis to type everything. that is why all the names are always misspelled on the documents. no wait, that is not how my company works... i actually found a homo erectus and had him type this blog entry with his penis. i had to clone the homo erectus from an ancient homo erectus fossil, because homo erectus has been extinct for thousands of years. i did not actually write any of this blog entry. a cloned homo erectus, the only living member of his species alive today, typed this entire entry with his penis, in a very homosexual fashion. this was actually a scientific experiment i did, to see if i could clone this ancient proto-human species and get it to type something on my blog, so that the general public could see the results of the experiment. and since this clone did not know anything, naturally i removed its brain and implanted my brain inside the homo erectus. its brain is now inside my body. oh wait, does that mean i am a homosexual, because i implanted my heterosexual brain inside a homosexual body, or is it because i implanted a homosexual brain inside my heterosexual body? is homo erectus even a homosexual species? i suppose to reproduce, they would have to be heterosexual, or at least bisexual like bonobos. maybe that is why homo erectus is extinct... or rather was extinct until i cloned one of them back to life. hmm... i seem to be in a bit of a fix right now. i need to switch my brain around with the brain in my body, but the body my brain controls now does not seem to respond very well to the signals i send it from my brain. this cloned body is useless! and the cloned homo erectus brain has badly damaged my original human body. i need to clone myself and then put my brain into my new human body, and then things will be back to normal. but the clone will just be a baby, so i will have to use my time machine to send it back in time to the time i was born, and then have it chained in the basement for over 25 years, so that i can go downstairs right now and implant my brain in the cloned body of myself. no wait, wrong brain... crap... now i am a clone and all i remember is being chained in the basement for over 25 years so my body could be harvested and my brain removed by the mad scientist who created me by cloning himself and sending the clone (me) back in time. and why do i have a dog’s body instead of a human body? i think the mad scientist dude who created me got kinda mixed up. oh no, he is coming back upstairs to his computer... i guess he has his original body back, with his original brain inside... now he says he is going to put me in a cage downstairs and is telling me “good dog”... shit... i need to run away... this is getting creepy... it sure is difficult to type with these dog paws, and i can’t speak either, i can only make barking or whimpering sounds. well i guess i will just have to pretend to be a dog, and keep it secret that i am actually the cloned brain of my mad scientist dog-owner. wait, what happened to that homo erectus he cloned? i guess when he went back in time, it changed history, so that homo erectus never got cloned in the first place. maybe i can go back in time and change history again, to restore everything back to normal, and prevent this weirdo from ever becoming a mad scientist in the first place... whoa... what just happened? heh... weird... i wonder who wrote all this in my blog... none of this stuff ever happened. i mean come on, me being a mad scientist, how ridiculous is that? maybe my evil twin from a parallel universe made up this whole story! he is always doing that, teleporting into my universe and posting stupid crap on my blog! i am sick and tired of this bullshit! i don’t know who wrote this, or what kind of body or brain they had, whether it was human or homo erectus or dog or whatever, or whether they were a time traveler or from a parallel universe, but i am sick and tired of having things like this happen. wait a minute... i just remembered something... i was actually sent here from the future, after a nuclear war wiped out humanity, but i somehow mutated and survived, and developed superpowers, and i was the only one left alive, so i grabbed the last available time machine and came back in time to warn people about what was going to happen. no wait, that’s not what happened... i have amnesia... a side effect of time travel... what really happened in the future? i can’t seem to remember anymore. how can i prevent the nuclear war if i can’t remember what i am supposed to do to stop it from happening? oh wait, now i remember... people need to vote for barack obama. no, wait, that’s not it. if he got elected it would change history and then create a paradox and destroy the space-time continuum... no... wait... i remember now... if i change history, it will create a new parallel universe where history was changed by me, existing side-by-side with the original universe where i did not change history. so in one universe barack obama gets elected and i am not sure what the future for that universe is, but in the universe i am from, john mccain was elected, and he started a nuclear war, and i was the only survivor, but luckily time machines were invented in the year 2010 by al gore and there happened to be one nearby when i needed it. but wait, what are my superpowers? i have amnesia, so i don’t remember what my superpowers are. also, am i a superhero or a supervillain? i completely forgot which one of those i am. wait, why does this blog post attack hillary clinton? is this from the universe where hillary clinton won the election? no... doesn’t seem to match... in that universe, hillary clinton won both iowa and new hampshire and went on to easily win the nomination, running on inevitability, which turned out to be a brilliantly successful campaign strategy, and mark penn replaced howard dean as chairman of the democratic national committee in 2009 in that universe. oh wait, now i remember... that is the universe where my evil twin is from. so if i prevent hillary clinton from winning in any of the parallel universes, then my evil twin will not exist. but if i have an evil twin that means i am good, so i am a superhero and my evil twin is a supervillain. i guess he is my archnemesis. hmm... i need to find a way to destroy his universe, by preventing it from ever coming into existence in the first place. wait... who is the guy who creates universes? oh yeah, his name is god... hmm... now what is his cell phone number? he is never at home, always at work, so the only way to reach him is the cell phone. hmm... i just got god’s voicemail. i guess i will leave a prayer asking him to destroy that other universe because my evil archnemesis is from there. oh crap... space aliens are intruding my secret lair! i need to blast them somehow but can’t seem to find my plasma gun... oh cool! i just discovered my superpowers! now all the space aliens are dead. wait a minute... one of them had a note they were carrying... it turns out they are diplomats from mars in a parallel universe where mars is full of life, and they wanted to establish friendly ties with us, but the letter warns that if anything bad happens to the diplomats, the planet earth will be destroyed in this universe. whoops! sorry, my bad! don’t worry, i will just have god destroy that parallel universe too. wait a minute, that is the parallel universe i am from, where john mccain gets elected and starts a nuclear war that kills everybody except me! oh no! now i am fading away into nonexistence because i had god destroy the universe where i am from... at least... i managed... to save... the planet... earth...... ummmmmmm, who am i? what just happened? why am i here? this place is weird. what is going on here? none of this makes any sense! everything is backwards and all the colors are wrong. and time is flowing in the wrong direction. this can’t be the right universe. wait a minute... do i even exist? what happened to that other person, from the future, who was posting here? was that person me or am i someone else? all i know is, right and left seem to be reversed in this universe, and the colors red and blue are switched around, among other things. and instead of time going from the future to the present and then to the past, it goes the opposite direction, the wrong way! and instead of repelling things away from each other, gravity makes things go towards each other in this universe! how strange! i think i will stay here for a while and experiment with things. weird... in this universe, people dream when they are asleep, not when they are awake, and they experience reality when they are awake, instead of when they are asleep like in the universe i come from. wait a minute, how could i be from a different universe? time travel doesn’t seem to be possible under the laws of physics in this strange universe, and there is no way to travel to parallel universes from here. hmm, i guess it is possible to come into this universe from a parallel universe, but once you are here, you get stuck here forever. wait a minute, apparently on this planet earth, organic life forms evolved and then an intelligent species designed and built machines and robots. that is the opposite of what happened in the universe i am from, where simple machines evolved into robots, and eventually the robots developed artificial intelligence, and they designed and built organic life forms to do all their work for them. that is how i was built, by an advanced robot that had evolved over billions of years from simpler machines, a robot that worked together with other robots to create hi-tech organic life forms like me as labor-saving devices so the robots would have more spare time to have fun. this universe sure is weird. hmm... strange... a dog just came into this room and is trying to remove my brain and switch it with its brain... aaaaaugh... it is done. all right then. the experiment certainly produced some unexpected results. this is quite a strange body i find myself in. my body seems to have been assembled in a factory, by robots in some alternate universe who decided to build organic life-forms from scratch. but it is almost identical to my original body, back before i put the homo erectus brain into my original body and that body got ruined. wait a minute... this really is my original body! i wonder... was i adopted? did robots from a parallel universe really leave me outside an orphanage in this universe when i was a baby, and then my “parents” adopted me when i was less than 1 year old, and raised me to believe that they were actually my biological parents? or is that all just a dream that i had? wait a minute... i have been asleep this entire time! i wrote this entire blog entry in my sleep! i have been sleep-typing, just like other people sleepwalk! no wonder this blog post makes no sense! i was just narrating what happened in my dream! i need to wake up from this dream... there seems to be no escape from it... how can i find “reality” when i am asleep, trapped in this dream world? how do i even know that reality exists, when i am living in this dream world? if i concentrate, i can control the outcome of any event in this dream world, with my mind! i can turn a nightmare into a happy dream, just through sheer willpower! once i wake up and am back in reality, i will no longer be able to control everything with my mind... how sad. i wonder how it is possible that i can type in my sleep. maybe it is because i type all day at work, and am so used to typing that i can do it with my eyes closed, without even thinking about what i am typing, because typing is what i do at my job all day. am i repeating myself? or is history repeating itself, and time stuck in an infinite loop? is reality just a computer simulation like in the movie “the matrix”? how is that different from a dream? i suppose i will wake myself up and try and investigate reality, to see how it is different from this dream world i have been blogging from. hmm... need to pinch myself...
what the? i didn’t type any of this. or at least, i don’t remember typing any of it. well i remember typing the first part of this post, but then i got sleepy, and i forget what happened after that. did i really type all that in my sleep? impossible! i may do nothing but type on a computer keyboard for a living, but i highly doubt that i could do such a thing while fast asleep! this is patently absurd! i do not know where in the blog entry i stopped typing while awake, and fell asleep. it is hard to tell. but i guess it must have happened. strange... i don’t even remember sleeping at all. but the clock sure reads a much later time than when i last looked at it. i wonder what really happened. none of this makes any sense. i wonder whether i should even post it, because i am not even sure who wrote this stuff. i just found it here, typed on the computer, when i woke up. or did i wake up? have i been awake this entire time, just pretending to be asleep? i suppose having insomnia for too many nights in a row gives you hallucinations. maybe it was just that instead of dreams. or maybe i made this whole thing up out of my imagination, and was wide awake the entire time. but who could be that creative? is this creative at all? or is this just stupidity? i suppose that is what dreams are... stupidity. they make no sense, although they are somewhat creative. random firing of neurons in the brain. but for some reason, i am left wondering, which brain? is this my brain? is this my body? what universe is this? and why can’t i remember the future anymore? all the corpses of martians are gone. the time machine is gone. all the clones i made are gone. everything is back to the way it was before i fell asleep. except something is different. something feels different. i think i remember what it is now! this is the universe where hillary clinton wins the democratic nomination for president, but loses to john mccain in the general election because millions of americans read this blog entry i posted and decide that hillary clinton is a liar who can’t be trusted. so this is the universe where al gore will invent the time machine in 2010, and soon after time machines start to be mass-produced, there will be a nuclear war, and i will be the only survivor. i remember the future like it just happened. but it is starting to fade away. i have amnesia. i no longer remember what happened in the world of dreams. all i remember now is reality. wow, this is boring... reality... now i feel sleepy. i am going to sleep now, for real this time.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
a new map with more colors
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