Sunday, September 7, 2008


on thursday georgia republican congressman lynn westmoreland called barack and michelle obama “uppity”. he is from the south so he ought to know that “uppity” is a racist term when used with blacks, and often blacks are called “uppity negro”, “uppity nigger”, or “uppity nigga”. what does this term mean? basically it means that a black person is arrogant and does not know their place, does not know that whites are superior to blacks, and is not being an “uncle tom” a.k.a. a “house nigga”. an “uncle tom” or “house nigga” is a black person who is subservient to “whitey” because they still have a “slave mentality”. so basically what lynn westmoreland was saying is, barack and michelle obama do not have enough of a slave mentality, they do not view themselves as inferior to white people as they ought to, and therefore they are “uppity”. and he claims not to be racist. you would think someone from the south who is in congress would know better. and the republicans claim not to be racist. well if they aren’t racist, why do they keep saying racist things like calling the obamas “uppity”? lynn westmoreland claims that “uppity” just means “elitist”, but what is more elitist than having every single president so far be a wealthy middle-aged/old white christian male? the republican convention this year had the lowest percentage of black people as delegates in 40 years. here is a video by the onion making fun of accusations of barack obama as an elitist:

Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African Americans

so what has john mccain, a wealthy old white man married to a much younger beauty queen with over a hundred million dollars in wealth, who divorced his previous beauty queen wife after she was disfigured and disabled in a car accident, and has so many glass houses he is throwing stones from he still doesn’t know how many he owns, done to counteract the elitism of white males controlling everything? he picked an ultra-right-wing christian fundamentalist woman as his running mate, a woman who does not believe in women’s rights, and she has something in common with john mccain’s 2 wives: she is also a former beauty queen who is much younger than him. all the feminists are against her, and for good reason. she is opposed to them and everything they stand for. she would not be a vice presidential candidate if it weren’t for the progress we have made due to the feminist movement, and all she wants to do is advance what she believes is god’s cause. she has a messianic viewpoint, just like our current president, george w. bush: both believe the war in iraq is a holy war and is god’s will. sarah palin is the real messianic figure, not barack obama. her church teaches that people can be anointed by god and become servants of god who carry out god’s will on this earth, and they can do no wrong, since everything they do is the will of god. and her church has anointed her in this way, so now she believes herself to be a devoted and infallible servant of god, and everything she says or does is god’s will. here is a shocking exposé of her radical church:

so, not to take anything away from barack obama being in a radical church for years, i know that is true, but sarah palin’s church is even worse. frankly i wish the candidates were just atheists and didn’t have all these wacky religious views. and we have heard barack and michelle obama accused of being anti-american. but who is REALLY anti-american? sarah palin, of course:

sarah palin has a lot of connections to the alaskan independence party, a radical anti-american secessionist party whose founder has harshly denounced the united states of america, a party whose goal is to turn the state of alaska into an independent nation. the republican national convention last week had the slogan “america first”. the alaskan independence party has the slogan “alaska first”. whose side is sarah palin on? nobody really knows, because she has lied about so many things, such as claiming she opposed the bridge to nowhere. she supported the bridge to nowhere for years, until congress and the national media decided it was the worst pork-barrel spending project EVAR, and then she suddenly flip-flopped on that issue for political gain. when it comes to flip-flopping, she is very much like her running mate, john mccain, who has flip-flopped on almost every issue in all his years in washington.

and if you think john mccain is a war hero for being a prisoner of war for several years after flying planes that bombed and killed innocent civilians, he is nothing compared to john kerry, the war hero who ran for president in 2004. john kerry actually saved people’s lives, he actually commanded a swift boat, and almost all the swift boat veterans who condemned him never served on the same boat as him and didn’t even know him. they were just angry that he had testified against the vietnam war and had publicly taken an anti-war stance in that war after he returned home from vietnam, since they think that being anti-war is treasonous. john mccain, in his acceptance speech, claimed that he hates war and wants peace. well supporting a unilateral invasion and occupation of a nation that was not a threat to us and was, like us, opposed to al qaeda and iran, was a quite stupid move on his part. john mccain became a critic of the war in iraq when it was politically popular to criticize the war, flip-flopping on that issue, and criticized former defense secretary don rumsfeld for mismanaging the war. but his criticism was that the war needed more troops to succeed, so when don rumsfeld was replaced and a new defense secretary helped put in place this “surge” strategy, john mccain decided he had to become pro-war again to appeal to the base of the republican party so he could have a chance in the 2008 republican presidential primaries and caucuses. all of john mccain’s stances on issues are cynically selected to appeal to his party’s base, even though he had completely different stances on those issues in the past. he has flip-flopped from being a maverick who disagreed with president bush on many issues to becoming a right-wing political hack who agrees with president bush on almost everything.

throughout the republican convention last week, everything was negative and full of denunciation of barack obama, the congressional leadership, liberals in general, and democrats in general. the republicans have no positive agenda to run on, and the only record they have to run on is 8 years of failure and corruption, so they mostly resort to negative attacks. there was some positive stuff in their convention, namely all the positive stuff said about john mccain being a war hero and maverick and all that rubbish, but it was all just biographical details about his life story, and nothing about the issues. the entire convention seemed to be in denial that we have had a republican president for the past 8 years and he has been a complete failure. president bush did have a short speech to the convention on tuesday, but he did it via a live video feed from washington, and was not there in person. dick cheney was scheduled to speak on monday but they canceled his appearance. i wonder why. to top it all off, john mccain tried to act bipartisan/nonpartisan in his acceptance speech at the end of the convention on thursday, sending a signal that was the polar opposite of every other speaker that had spoken at the convention all week. every other speaker was extremely partisan and full of red-meat attacks on democrats, and here he was pretending to be nonpartisan and wanting to work together and appeal to votes from everyone. you might think john mccain had no control over what all the other speakers said all week and that they were viciously partisan and negative despite his wishes for them to be bipartisan/nonpartisan. but if you thought that you would be completely dead wrong. all the speeches were approved by the mccain campaign in advance. ron paul was not welcome there because he was unwilling to deliver the kind of speech mccain wanted him to deliver, since it went against his principles and everything he believes in. so ron paul had his own convention, and it had hardly any media coverage. meanwhile, the police arrested hundreds of innocent people, mostly peaceful demonstrators, and some reporters too, including the wonderful reporter amy goodman and several others from democracy now! watch amy goodman get arrested:

and she is one of the greatest journalists in our nation. it is an absolute disgrace what the republicans are doing to our nation. they must be stopped. THEY are the true elitists, because they are the elites who have all the money, who run everything, the politicians and lobbyists who have such cozy ties and don’t give a rat’s ass about ordinary americans like you and me. they are, dare i say, “uppity”, to think that they deserve another chance to be in charge of everything after 8 years of george w. bush ruining everything he could. and so i would like to respond by being “uppity” and demanding that they be removed from power, peacefully, through our democratic process of elections. i will not take no for an answer. i want them gone. and if we can’t get rid of them this election, we will do it in the next election, or the one after that. and once we democrats finally win back the white house, we will clean up the mess the republicans made of everything. now THAT is an “uppity” attitude i can believe in.

down with the republicans and up with the united states of america! don’t let a treasonous anti-american separatist ultra-right-wing christian fundamentalist anti-feminist who tried to remove all the books she didn’t like from the local public library become our next vice president, because john mccain is quite old and has had cancer in the past that could recur, and before we know it, lil’ mrs. guns’n’god could become our next commander-in-chief. and if john mccain is elected president and somehow manages to survive long enough to keep her from being president, who knows what he would do? he has flip-flopped so many times on so many major issues, and given so many two-faced lies while calling it “straight talk” in true orwellian fashion, who knows where he actually will stand on any of the issues once he is president, if we are dumb enough to make the mistake of electing him? remember george w. bush, who wanted the united states to have a humble foreign policy, no nation-building, who was a uniter not a divider who wanted to work across party lines rather than being a right-wing ideologue, the compassionate conservative who cared about everyone (including black people like kanye west), the reformer with results who would restore honor and dignity to the white house? well let’s see what kanye west had to say about this “compassionate conservative”:

kanye west really says it all, in true “uppity” fashion that we can all be proud of. if only we were all that “uppity”, the world would be a better place, because we would stand up for ourselves, speak out against what is wrong, speak truth to power, and help restore some sanity to the insane world of the media and politics. he doesn’t have a slave mentality, and neither should anyone else, and rep. lynn westmoreland (r-ga) ought to be ashamed of himself for advocating that black people be more subservient to whites and less “uppity”. there is a reason that the percentage of delegates at the republican national convention who were black was at a 40-year low: black people are, more and more, realizing the true nature of the republican party. and now one of them is running for president of the united states, and barack obama is an excellent candidate who deserves the support of people of all races, genders, religious viewpoints, and sexual orientations. he is not just a candidate for black americans, he is a candidate for all americans. the republicans are afraid of this and will do anything in their power to try to stop him. they may have been the party of abraham lincoln but they are also the party of the late strom thurmond, one of many racists who left the democrats to join the republicans because he opposed the civil rights movement and supported segregation. racism is the reason republicans have replaced democrats as the dominant political party in the south: this is due to richard nixon’s “southern strategy” of appealing to the worst instincts of people rather than their highest aspirations, using hate and fear to divide people instead of using hope for a better future to unite them. part of the “southern strategy” is using code-words like “uppity” to incite racial divisions, and then since whites greatly outnumber blacks, whoever white people vote for wins.

but i am one white male who proudly stands united with people of other races and the other gender and other sexual orientations. i want to work together with them to make this world a better place, not have some stupid conflict against them where nobody wins. we have had enough of that in this country, and it is time to move on to bigger and better things, to lay the foundations for a future that is better than the past. it is time to put an end to the politics of fear, hate, and division, and for everyone to start working together to solve all the problems created under 8 years of george w. bush. i hope once barack obama is sworn in as president, he will find a way to cooperate with people like senator john mccain and senator hillary clinton to help clean up the mess our country is in. maybe john mccain could flip-flop again after he loses this election, and become a democrat... we could trade him for joe lieberman, and let joe become a republican like he’s always wanted. that would be fun. and “uppity”.

how many times can i say “uppity”? if i said it again and again forever, and never stopped, i would say it exactly countable infinity times. now go count to countable infinity. it’s not really that high of a number. uncountable infinity is much higher, you’ll never count that high. maybe we could send all the republicans off to count to uncountable infinity while we roll up our sleeves and solve all our nation’s problems. if they quit their obstructionism towards progress, we could write one giant bill to solve every problem that exists, sign it into law, and never have to worry about anything ever again. the bill would only be countable infinity pages long, and we could enlist the help of an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters to write the bill.

of course, none of this will matter once wednesday september 10th comes, because the large hadron collider at cern will be activated, and according to all the conspiracy theorists, this will create an “uppity” black hole that will suck in the entire planet earth and everything on it, including you and me. the mad scientific community has a different take on the project, one that is even more “uppity”:

oh, and did i mention?


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