most of this post is gonna be something i meant to post on june 7th, but this damned blogger/blogspot website was offline for maintenance. since that time, abu musab al-zarqawi has finally been killed, and i am rejoicing in his demise. he killed a friend of a friend (one of my friends was friends with nicholas berg, who was beheaded). now nicholas berg’s dad is not rejoicing in the death of zarqawi, since he is a pacifist. ok. i respect that. at least ONE person who respects the sanctity of human life. but as for me... i think this zarqawi chap was kinda asking for it, and we gave him what he wanted, which was martyrdom. i am all for killing terrorists (which, incidentally, also helps fight overpopulation). and iraq has finally filled the posts of interior minister and defense minister. now, some people don’t think the issue of iraq is important; instead they think the most important issue facing this nation is gay marriage. those dumbasses all voted for bush, and they are the only supporters he has left, which is why 49 senators were retarded enough to vote for the dumbest constitutional amendment ever proposed. all but one were republicans. but not all republicans are evil theocratic wingnuts who want to oppress us; senate judiciary committee chairman arlen specter of pennsylvania is one of the few who actually stands up for what is right occasionally. this might explain why he is more popular in the blue state of pennsylvania than the crazy ultra-religious senator rick santorum, who pennsylvanians are probably not going to re-elect. i saw arlen specter on c-span questioning some dickhead from the justice department, and specter totally kicked his ass from here to chinatown. still, arlen specter is still not as good as a real democrat (you should have seen pat leahy tear the justice department dumbass a new rear end); if i had my way, the government would be 100% democrats and 0% republicans. or maybe i would put in some people from the green party or the libertarians, or some socialists or independents or even reform party people, or something... but not a single goddamn republican, hell no, those people are creeps. the voters of duke cunningham’s district in california selected another republican, brian bilbray, instead of democrat francine busby, in a special election; some asshat pundidiots are saying that since a republican won in this open seat, republicans will win in november. umm yeah guess what... it is a heavily republican district, francine busby never had a chance, and what is remarkable is how close she still managed to come despite it all. but the majority of seats in this country are not heavily republican, so there is no comparison. anyway that is about it for stuff that happened since the time i wrote the upcoming rant, so here is the rant that i tried to publish on june 7th but couldn’t because the goddamn website was down for maintenance, all in one big gigantic mega-paragraph that is unreadable:
ok, so everyone is pissed at ann coulter for being a lunatic prostitute who says provocative evil bullshit all the time. ann coulter criticized 4 of the 9/11 widows in her book and now hillary clinton has spoken out against ann coulter. i have been listening to rush limbaugh and sean hannity on the radio the last few days and it is very interesting to listen to these lunatics who have no grasp on reality. they are such crazy fucks. they talk about bill clinton’s love life and ted kennedy getting into a car accident long ago and other irrelevant stuff that has nothing to do with the issues that affect us at this time. ann coulter is on the radio now, it is hilarious. she is dissing on darwinian evolution and saying it isn’t true; what a fucking moron. and rush limbaugh loves to talk about global warming being false. these idiots have such a complete lack of any grasp on reality it is amazing. and ann coulter thinks anyone who disses on bush, cheney, rumsfeld, etc. is automatically evil and deserves to be verbally assaulted in a drive-by insulting; her level of insults is even lower than “yo mamma so fat” jokes. and ann coulter says liberalism is a “religion” because we liberals believe in darwinism and global warming and other proven scientific theories. instead she wants to believe in some ridiculous religious dogma that directly contradicts proven scientific theories. if she really wants to question science, why doesn’t she actually study science in depth, become a real scientist, and perform experiments to disprove evolution and global warming? what the hell kind of “mental midget” (one of rush limbaugh’s favorite phrases) would reject proven scientific theories? if they hate science so much, why the hell do they use modern medicine, drive cars, and use computers? anyone who disses on science ought to have all the benefits of science taken away from them, and have to live like a caveman, so they can see how great it is to have a belief system based on unthinking faith instead of logic and reason. and these conservative talk radio hosts are all up in arms about illegal immigrants, they hate them so much, and they keep dissing on everyone who voted in favor of a guest worker program in the senate, since they want to completely get rid of all the illegal immigrants somehow. ok arch-conservative hypocrites, if you hate a guest worker program so much, why don’t you criticize the president, since he has been the main leader in advocating a guest worker program? oh yeah, because you still support that crazy messianic dumbass for some reason, even though he keeps betraying you every chance he gets. does president bush actually do a good job at anything? no, but you shitheads keep supporting him because your brains have been washed cleaner than tom delay’s laundered money. and rush limbaugh keeps talking about “radical feminists”. it’s like wtf mate? who the fuck are these radical feminists anyway? i’ve never met anyone that fits that description. i think i have probably met feminists, but i never remember any that showed any obvious signs of having a hatred of all men. el rushbo talks about the “feminization” of our culture. we could use some goddamn feminization in our violent, corrupt, militaristic society. people killing each other all the time and whatnot; a feminized culture wouldn’t be like that. rushie poo keeps talking about the “eib network” or occasionally calling it the “excellence in broadcasting network” as if such a network actually exists and he is on it. guess what, rush? you are an egotistical prick, there is no excellence whatsoever in your broadcasting, and your constant need for shameless self-promotion shows what a megalomaniac you are, and how deep inside you feel very low self-esteem so you have to offset this emotional imbalance by constantly praising yourself. and i just heard ann coulter on the radio say that we have “dominion over the earth” and shouldn’t care about preserving nature or the environment. what a dumbass. if we destroy nature and the environment, humanity will no longer be able to survive. is she really trying to make humanity extinct or what? she is saying we should care more about humanity and people than nature. what a ridiculous argument. environmentalists care more about humanity and people than anyone else does; they are trying to save the environment so we humans can survive. these arch-conservative anti-environmentalists basically want to destroy nature and ultimately kill all humans; they actually believe that destroying nature will not have any bad effects on us, because they do not even understand the concept of cause and effect in the first place. but it is so fun to listen to them. i get so much more dirt on these right-wing loonies if i listen to their radio shows than if i just read the news on the internet or watch it on tv. every word they say incriminates them as amoral, dogmatic, insane idiots. see, i am trying to listen to these morons so i can understand them better, because this anti-gay marriage amendment is the most ridiculous piece of shit i have ever heard of. everyone who supports an anti-gay marriage amendment ought to have their sexual organs forcibly removed so they are incapable of producing offspring as idiotic as their parents. i really think these conservatives are lower on the evolutionary ladder than everyone else. just think about the poor people in america’s heartland who vote republican. republicans cut funds for all the services that help the poor, and then give huge tax cuts for the wealthy. and the brainwashed poor people keep voting against their own economic interests, and they never learn, and their lives never improve. and guess what the bipartisan 9/11 commission said the other day? they gave the bush administration an f for homeland security and protecting us from terrorists. and this commission is bipartisan, half republican. so if you ever hear anyone say bush is protecting us from terrorists or doing a good job fighting the war on terror... bullshit. we haven’t found osama bin laden, and we are allies with saudi arabia despite their complicity in the 9/11 attacks (15 of the 19 hijackers were saudi, and they did not let us interrogate friends or family of the terrorists, which shows where the saudis’ true alliegience lies). it is funny how people keep attacking cindy sheehan, when all she wants to do is keep other people from dying as pointlessly and in vain as her son. so what if she is a radical left-winger now? the more right-wing this country gets, the more radical people need to get to fight back. once things are fixed and back to normal, we can quit being radical. and the reich wing keep repeating discredited lies about john kerry and the swift boat shit. everyone with half a brain knows that the swift-boaters said nothing but lies and bullshit about john kerry, and anyone who actually believes these swift-boaters should just commit suicide because they are a sorry excuse for a human being. ann coulter says liberals are hypocrites and liberalism is a religion but i just don’t see it. how are we hypocrites? how is it a religion? i mean, we simply believe things that are true, and don’t believe things that are false. liberalism is pretty goddamn simple. nowadays being a liberal basically means you are someone who knows the difference between fantasy and reality. the conservative pundits like rush limbaugh and ann coulter love to condemn “political correctness”, meaning they want to be free to make unsupported generalizations about large and diverse demographic groups of people without letting anyone else criticize them. they get cheap laughs by making fun of homosexuals, but what is the point? the point is, they hate homosexuals because their crazy religious beliefs teach them homosexuality is somehow immoral (since their “morality” is completely amoral and anti-humanist and anti-utilitarian) so they want to oppress people who are different and use humor as a weapon to convince people to join them in the crusade so that eventually they can change government policy to be oppressive towards homosexuals. i have nothing against humor or making fun of people, but you have to look at people’s agendas, and if they are making jokes with the intention of convincing people to oppress, mistreat, and abuse each other, you have to call them on it. that’s all political correctness is about, exposing people’s hidden agendas. these reich-wingers keep repeating this lie that liberals believe in the government as their savior and trust the government. yeah fucking right! liberals hate the government more than anyone! who the hell do you think opposes the government coming into people’s bedrooms and telling them who they can fuck? who thinks the government is part of a conspiracy behind 9/11? who doesn’t trust the government to protect civil liberties, is afraid of fascism, and doesn’t want the national security agency spying on them? those people are all liberals, goddammit! i don’t know a single liberal who is pro-government, at least not pro-the-current-government. i hate the government more than anyone in the fucking world, and i am as bleeding-heart as liberals come! we liberals don’t want to destroy government though; we aren’t a bunch of fucking anarchist loonies who want complete chaos and free-for-all. we want to fucking fix the government, which is completely full of problems right now, but we don’t want to get rid of it. to quote thomas jefferson, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance”. we liberal democrats do not trust any politicians, not even our own. that is why democrats are so internally divided, because we actually have our own opinions and don’t all think exactly the same like the republicans do. if liberalism is such a dogmatic ideology as the reich-wingers complain it is, then how come liberals have such internal divisions? why does cindy sheehan come out and call hillary clinton evil? now some people might be like, oh but the republicans have diverse points of view too. yeah, some of them care more about the religious right, and others care more about helping large corporations. that’s the only reason there is republican division about illegal immigration. some republicans are mainly corporatists and others are mainly theocrats. the republicans and conservatives are the biggest unholy alliance ever made: corporatists who only care about the wealthy and redistributing money from the poor to the rich, and theocrats who want to legislate morality and make this country like the taliban or saudi arabia. the most ironic part is, jesus said “it is easier to put a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven”. so any real christian has a moral and religious duty to be a socialist, and capitalism is heresy, worship of the false idol mammon. it is baffling how the theocrats have been able to brainwash themselves into thinking capitalism is perfectly fine even when there is no safety net for the poor. they claim to uphold the word-for-word validity of the bible, but it is obvious they are very selective about which particular verses they uphold and which they completely ignore. so obviously they are hypocrites, because of this particular bible verse i have mentioned. liberals, on the other hand, do not have any holy books that they claim are word-for-word infallible. we liberals do not have any sacred cows. we might be initially shocked if someone says something racist, homophobic, or sexist, but guess what... we do not really have any sacred cows, we just get suspicious about whether someone has a hidden agenda to promote oppression. dave chappelle, for example, had a lot of stuff in his tv show that was racist if you take it literally, but if you pay careful attention it is obvious that he does this to make fun of racism and ridicule racists, and he is not actually a racist himself. see, you have to read between the lines, look for the hidden agenda. now interestingly enough it seems to me that the conservatives have outgrown racism, and today’s conservatives are not really racist in my opinion; however they are still quite sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic. it is hard to make this distinction between xenophobia and racism, but i think it is pretty simple: most conservatives hate illegal immigrants from latin america, but they do not hate hispanics in general. there are in fact many hispanics who are conservative. the situation with black people is a little more complex. conservatives hate the rap/gangs/ghetto culture of today’s young black people, because it violates all of their biblical christian values they hold dear, and they also think it is stupid of black people to vote democrat in such overwhelming numbers year after year, despite a percieved lack of positive results. this is not actually racism though. there are still many of racist conservative republicans, but i think they are just a loud but vocal minority. but i think, essentially, conservative and republican values are really empty and devoid of any real morality; it is just based on dogma with no critical thinking, which means people who have this view of morality cannot really tell the difference between right and wrong, and often get the two confused, as with the debate over gay marriage, or prayer in public school, or flag burning. now as for the issue of abortion, that is one of the rare issues where i have some problems with the point of view of most liberals and somewhat sympathize with the conservative point of view, because abortion is a true moral dilemma, where you are faced with two choices, neither of which is righteous or good; instead it is a question of the lesser of two evils. is it worse to kill an unborn human fetus, or to force a woman to go through pregnancy for 9 months and give birth against her will? and what if the woman was raped, or if it was incest, or if pregnancy might endanger her life? there are no easy answers to this kind of thing, and anyone who thinks they can dogmatically come up with the correct answers to any moral dilemma really has no understanding of morality. i call people amoral unless they actually take moral questions like this seriously instead of just arrogantly claiming that they can magically come up with all the right answers without even thinking about it first. some 2,000 year old book is not going to magically give us all the answers to solve any moral dilemma, and anyone who holds to the belief that it does is amoral, by my definition, because they just do not take morality seriously enough to actually think about it before they start spouting nonsense and frothing at the mouth about gays or whatever. ann coulter is a perfect example of someone who does not take any issue seriously and magically comes up with the answers to everything without thinking before she speaks, and often makes ridiculous insults or says utterly outrageous and indefensible things, because she is the absolute epitome of this problem. she should not be silenced, she should be made white house press secretary, the official spokeswoman for the bush administration. if we continue to highlight people like ann coulter and pat robertson and portray them as official spokespeople for the republicans, this will devastate republican electoral chances by alienating all of the sane people who are left. republicans provide a warm embrace to anyone who speaks out in favor of them, no matter how radical, crazy, or out of the mainstream. democrats, on the other hand, have the good sense to keep their distance from any loony folks, and that is to their credit. anyhow, it is hard for me to understand how anyone can listen to this conservative talk radio and actually believe any of the bullshit they spew; it reminds me of someone reading pravda in the soviet union who actually believes every word it says. so, to all of you people who have lost your fucking minds: find ’em! nero fiddled while rome burned, dubya read my pet goat while the twin towers fell, and condi rice shopped for shoes when hurricane katrina killed her fellow african-americans. it is time for some new leaders who actually give a damn about what happens to this country, instead of the same old corrupt bullshitters. i swear, the 29% who still support bush, if he told them all to commit suicide, they’d do it. these people can see no evil in the man, they think he’s like the fucking messiah or some shit like that. one lady i heard on the radio was saying, how dare they criticize bush and rumsfeld and cheney, those are all good christian men, and the people who criticize them ought to be ashamed of themselves. ok, so now, someone’s religious affiliation is justification for them to be above criticism? nobody should be above criticism. anyway, i hope the republicans nominate ann coulter for president in 2008. i would love to see her run for that office. we need to promote that bitch, and tell people, this is what republicans are like. so fuck that shit about how the media shouldn’t promote her intolerant bigotry and her endless lies and ridiculous statements. she is the democrats’ and liberals’ secret weapon, because she singlehandedly manages to make all of our critics look like crazy morons just like her, by getting them to embrace and support her views. thankfully the republicans do not have any prominent advocates who actually use logic and reason and tell the truth, because this would make it actually be justifiable to be republican, rather than reprehensible. but, the way things are, it makes perfect sense to call them the reprehensible party, since that is exactly what they are. so, everyone should go out and buy ann coulter’s book, and talk about her and write about her and promote her career so that she can continue to make her entire reprehensible party look, well, reprehensible.
Friday, June 9, 2006
post from june 7th
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