in politics, there are often multiple points of view that are bitterly divided against each other, not only disagreeing on opinions, but on facts. quantum physics has demolished the myth of objective reality, just as einstein’s theory of relativity demolished the myth of time. let me explain. the theory of relativity states that, to different observers, the order in which 2 events occur may appear to be different; moreover, it states that each observer is correct, in their own frame of reference, and neither is more correct than each other. the notion of “simultaneous” events is disproven by albert einstein’s theory of relativity. if we look out into space and watch things that supposedly happened billions of years ago, by looking at stars billions of light-years away, we are actually looking at things that are happening right now, at least in our own frame of reference. when we say that we are looking at things that happened billions of years ago, this is made based on the implicit assumption that there exists something known as time which is objective and universal, and that certain things happened at certain times. but this is a lie. time does not exist in any sort of universal sense, which you can prove by having 2 identical twins with identical watches and sending one into space near the speed of light and having them come back younger than the one that stayed put, with a watch that didn’t go thru as much time. time, like space, is something that matter and energy can move thru, but not everything goes at the same speed, and there is no universal “now”, because i can look in the sky at things that happened billions of years ago in distant galaxies, and they are really happening now according to my frame of reference. billions of years after we are all gone, space aliens billions of light years away may look at us through a telescope, and you know what? in their frame of reference, we will be their contemporaries, alive at the same time. this is the paradox of time, and why time itself is a big lie.
in quantum physics, the heisenberg uncertainty principle plays a central role. it states that you cannot observe something without changing it, and it is impossible to know everything about any particle you are trying to study. originally this heisenberg uncertainty principle only applied to the velocity and momentum of a particle, but since then it has been expanded to apply to all properties of any particle, or wave. another interesting paradox is the dual particle-wave nature of both matter and energy such as light (electromagnetic radiation). things behave in a manner that does not comply with traditional views of logic or of an objective reality. it turns out traditional views of objective reality are highly flawed and do not work at all when studying things on a subatomic level; the empirical data from experiments disproves objective reality. instead, there is something called a wave function, something every subatomic particle has. the wave function covers all possibilities, and a particle/wave is not limited to any single possibility until the act of observation is performed on it. observation causes what is known as wavefunction collapse, causing all possibilities but 1 to be eliminated, and producing the illusion of an objective reality. but objective reality only exists at the moment of observation, and in between observations, particles and waves can cover all possibilities simultaneously, despite the apparant contradictions to anyone who believes in only one objective reality.
so what does this have to do with politics? well, john von neumann wrote a great book about quantum physics in the early 1930s, in german. remember him? he helped invent computers, helped develop nuclear bombs in the manhattan project, and was a leading scientist of his time. in his book, he asserted that observation and wave function collapse can only occur inside the brain of a living organism capable of reflective thought. he specifically said that wave function collapse occurs at the moment a memory is recorded in the brain. seeing something with your eyes is not enough, for example, to collapse a wave function, if you do not record what happened in your brain’s memory. when a record is created of what happened, in an irreversible process, it seems this may be what collapses wavefunctions and eliminates possibilities. one particular interpretation of quantum physics is called the many-minds interpretation. according to this, every sentient being sort of has their own parallel universe, their own reality. we interact with each other, but we have different realities. through interaction, the contradictions between various different realities can be eliminated, by people convincing each other what the truth is. so according to this theory, insane people who say things that appear to be false to everyone else, might actually be correct about everything they say. this can also explain the parallel realities of democrats and republicans. all through the magic of quantum physics.
but i am not a fan of that rubbish. i think the many-minds interpretation of quantum physics is complete bullshit. and while i was once a fan and advocate of the many-worlds interpretation, i have given up on it as well. i still think the copenhagen interpretation is garbage, too. now, there is this new interpretation, called decoherence, which is actually backed by experimental data. decoherence theory actually explains how reality comes about existing, and where objective reality originates out of the chaos of subatomic contradictions. any reasonable theory needs to account for the perceived existence of objective reality on the macroscopic scale, to explain why things appear that way to human beings in their everyday life. simply put, any theory which contradicts basic human observations about everyday life, such as the sky being blue, gravity making things fall, people getting older over time... any such theory is simply rubbish. decoherence is one way to force quantum physics into compliance with human observations about everyday reality, but it is rather a blunt instrument, and does not explain why things work the way they do, just how to do the mathematical calculations. for a reason why, we really need to pick between determinism and randomness. the vast majority of quantum theories postulate randomness as the fundamental basis of subjective reality, and deny objective reality outright. but there is one theory, the bohm interpretation of quantum physics, which embraces determinism and objective reality, in sharp contrast to all the other theories. this makes the bohm interpretation quite controversial among physicists in the field of quantum physics, but the bohm interpretation is a better fit for everyday observations about reality made by ordinary people than those other theories. simply put, the bohm interpretation actually makes sense, explains things logically, and has not been disproven (nor has it been proven). superstring theory also plays into this somewhat, but i am unsure how. i do not understand string theory well enough to know how it fits into the scheme of quantum physics and its various interpretations. perhaps the bohm interpretation is wrong, but for me, it is what makes sense, and what i believe in, because it says objective reality really is real, and things happen for a reason, and randomness is simply a misunderstanding caused by observers who cannot discern the true pattern because they lack complete information about the universe. the bohm interpretation is a non-local hidden variable theory, and resolves all paradoxes. there are some scientists who claim to have disproven the bohm interpretation, but bohm advocates claim to have refuted all the arguments against their theory. so, who knows? all i know is, it works better to believe in reality than not to. so, i reject the many-minds interpretation and its hidden implication that in politics, when people disagree on fundamental facts, both sides can simultaneously be correct. despite what the physicists say, i think we ordinary non-physicist mortals ought to believe in objective reality, because things simply work much better that way. because, if many-minds really is true, then if people start questioning everything, this could disrupt the fabric of the space-time continuum... “mind over matter”. utterly ridiculous. in fact, the ridiculous many-minds interpretation might even make magic and psychics real possibilities, according to very warped views of the laws of physics. i reject that entirely, and advocate real reality. i am an advocate for the universe we are in, the one we know exists. so let us acknowledge reality and move on.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
quantum politics
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