Saturday, May 13, 2006

a new low

bush’s approval rating is now down to 29%, the first time it has ever hit the 20s. finally some sanity in this country! i have hated president bush all along, even when his approval rating was close to 90% i still thought he was terrible. so, i have a message to all of the republicans and the people who voted for bush in 2004: i told you so! you were wrong and i was right! and now we have found out that the national security agency really is spying on us, and is trying to collect records on every single phone call made in this country, not just ones involving terrorists. and you right-wingers said this was just being used against terrorists and not ordinary americans. wrong again! hmm, i wonder what else you right-wingers were wrong about: lying to get blowjobs is impeachment-worthy for a president, but lying the nation into war isn’t? segregation is good? women should not have the right to vote? slavery is good? white males who are not wealthy land owners should not have the right to vote? nobody should have the right to vote and instead we should have an absolute monarch that we support unconditionally? if you look back at history, right-wingers tend to have always been the people who were wrong about everything. conservative philosophy is based entirely on the idea of preserving “tradition”, even when that tradition is immoral or unjust, even when it is obvious how immoral and unjust it is. you want to know how they justified slavery, how they justified absolute monarchy, how they justified all the immoral traditions of the past? religion. the bible. they said, anyone who wants to get rid of their precious traditions is evil, hates god, is a heathen who should be killed. for almost 2 thousand years christian conservatives have had this same tactic, and conservatives of other religions have been around for even more thousands of years than that. so, i don’t think we can get rid of conservatives (unfortunately), since they have been around since forever, and we are probably doomed to always have some of them lurking around plotting our demise. but, when you read about things like roy moore and the christian reconstructionist/dominionist movement, it really makes you wonder, are we humans really “sentient beings”, or are we just a bunch of dumbasses? they talk about our founding fathers being christians and this being a christian nation, as if any of that is even relevant today. just because the majority of people in this nation believe something doesn’t mean it is correct (unless what they believe in is that bush is a bad president). but in all other cases of beliefs, aside from when they say bush is bad, united states majority public opinion is not really infallible. i mean hell, iraq is a muslim nation, right? india is a hindu nation, isn’t it? and china is a communist nation, right (let’s just pretend for a moment that communism qualifies as a “religion”)? so, how can we pretend that public opinion in those countries does not matter? if public opinion in the united states proves christianity to be correct, than public opinion in foreign countries also proves islam, hinduism, and communism to be correct. so, we should really govern our nation in a christian, islamic, hindu, communist style of governance, by that line of logic... but no... that is not their point at all. their point is, the majority in this country is christian, so they ought to be able to run everything. even though christian reconstructionists/dominionists don’t believe in democracy or freedom, and just want to oppress everybody under a theocracy like the taliban or saudi arabia. yay! it’s good president bush is not quite as radical a christian right-winger as they come. but these christian reconstructionists have just taken conservatism to its logical conclusion, putting the value of “tradition” above all else. but, you know what? i place zero value in “tradition” whatsoever. and zero value in conservatism whatsoever. i sort of see some value in liberalism, which is usually defined as being all about open-mindedness or some type of wonderful high-minded thing about making the world a better place or something like that. but i am not really open minded; i have already made up my mind on most things and nobody can convince me to change it on many of them. so, while i am a liberal democrat, i am of the closed-minded variety; nobody could possibly say anything at all to me that would make me change my mind about being a liberal democrat. i make up my own mind, by observing the world around me, reading the news, seeing what different people say about things. if anyone were to change my mind, it would be me. or, perhaps somebody else would brainwash me, but that would only work if i don’t suspect a thing. but anyway, i think bush is a horrible president, i have thought he was a horrible president ever since the day he took office (which i considered to be a national tragedy at the time), and prior to him taking office, when he was governor of texas, i hated his guts since it was obvious to me the guy was pretty much a psycho. i mean, the shit he said back during the campaign about all the people he had executed in texas, and whether he ever worried any of them were innocent... it was absolutely ridiculous, it made my blood boil. he just had such an arrogant notion that it would be completely impossible for an innocent man to ever get the death penalty, even when it had been proven otherwise, by all the innocent men on death row freed because of dna evidence proving their innocence, all around the country. but this jackass had no clue about any of that shit, even though he was running for president! during the recount stuff in florida in late november of 2000, i saw bush appear on tv, with this arrogant demeanor, as if the presidency was this thing that he was entitled to have, that belonged to him, and as if other people were trying to take from him something which everybody knew belonged to him... ridiculous! only thanks to katherine harris taking minority voters off the voter rolls by putting them on a list that was only supposed to have actual convicted felons on it but ended up being mostly innocent people that were now denied their right to vote. and forget about who won the popular vote in 2000, that was al gore, and bush didn’t care at all about the will of the people, he only cared about his own will! so, i am glad to see that finally everybody else is waking up and starting to understand reality for a change! just don’t change your minds back to supporting bush again... don’t be flip-floppers. changing your mind once is enough. once you see the truth, don’t go off looking in other directions for lies again. bush is spying on all of our telephone conversations; we are all “terrorists” according to him, every man, woman and child in this country who has ever made a telephone call is considered to be a terrorist by the national security agency. so general mike hayden can go fuck himself... who does he think he is, spying on my booty calls? whatever goes on between consenting adults over a telephone... well... let’s not get into that. suffice it to say, i feel violated. the government has had phone sex with me, except i did not approve of it, so it was phone rape. what i am saying is, i was raped by a telephone. well actually this happened in jail, and there was another inmate involved... ok ok i sort of made that part up, but my point is, don’t have sex with a telephone, because they have many sorts of nasty diseases that the phone company doesn’t want you to know about. and if you have to have sex with a telephone, use a condom, and make sure the phone company doesn’t add any unusual charges to the next month’s bill, or it might turn up on your credit report, resulting in higher interest rates you would have to pay if you ever take out any loans. it would also go on your permanent record, which lasts not just through elementary school, middle school, and high school, but on into college, and now your boss at your job is probably adding to it comments like “does not work well with others” and faxing it to the head office. and what does president bush have to do with this? well, he authorized the secret government program to keep a permanent record on every citizen, starting in elementary school, that program that your elementary school-teachers only hinted at threateningly. actually, this program had been in place since the 1800’s, as part of the new world order’s so-called “dewey decimal system” for total information awareness and full spectrum dominance, but president bush re-authorized it when it came up for renewal, so it is sort of his fault. now, the conspiracy might tell you the dewey decimal system is just used to sort books in libraries, but you know better than that. you know it exists to sort thoughts in your mind! and it is working. just remember, bush and kerry were both in the secret order of the illuminati’s local chapter at yale called “skull and crossbones”, and they have sworn to uphold the power of the great lidless eye atop the pyramid on the dollar, the dark lord sauron. the only people who can save us from bush now are the tricksy hobbitses that took the precious, and they are arguably not even people, but some odd sort of fur-footed small primate that can talk. ironically enough, bush is also some odd sort of sub-human chimpanzee monkey, but the liberal media has agreed to keep quiet about it because bush is such a liberal and they love him so.

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