Wednesday, May 3, 2006

stephen colbert is da man

stephen colbert kicked so much ass at the white house correspondents’ dinner this year. too bad the audience was a bunch of bushlickers. the white house press corps is like a potemkin village, just a bunch of yes-men, pansies, hypocrites, jibber jabbers, malevolent misfits, kooky kutters, and happy poopie heads. stephen colbert told it like it was, is, and always shall be. he was like the court jesters of the olden days, the only people who could criticize the king, because everything they said was a joke. so what if king george didn’t like stephen colbert’s pundittery? his royal majesty can shove it! this is a people’s republic, by golly, not a plutonium plutocracy! they don’t call the house of representatives the people’s house for nothing! hearken back to the proletarian revolution of 1776, when our forefathers wrote our communistitution, and then, for the purposes of liminated government, they wrote the bill of right-wing talking points. senatus populusque americanus! res publica! when democritus invented democracy in ancient greece, he did not envision this type of korporate kleptocracy, rule by the wicked, for the wicked, and of the wicked. stephen colbert was just trying to have some fun at the expense of the extremophiliac elite. but his komedic kurse was that the crowde was rowdie and naught pleassed withe his utterancies, whiche theye did fathom were beyonde the scope of acceptabullshit. the uptight weenies that composted the audience at the event were all dressed in their finest regalia, befitting only the neatest elitist intergalactic royalty from all akross de kosmos. tuxedoes, ball-gownes, toppe-hattes, and whyte glovies adorned the spectacular spectators situated in the situation roome. these konspiracie kronies disliked the raw spectre of realitie-based reasoning korrupting their pristine prismatic mini-minds. jokes are not funny when you the butte of ze jokes, si? when he points out none of these polyticians or preporteurs arre doing thier jobbes propeurlee, thees ees naut goot kneuws. zey are velly velly madde at being dis-creditited. vy laf ven ju ken krie? saumsink tou seenk a-boot...

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