ok, so i am not a fan of don imus. i was all for having him fired, not because of this one stupid comment, but because i think he says stupid things all the time, and i personally dislike him, and it made no sense to have msnbc, a supposed “news” channel, carry his “shock jock” radio show in the morning. even if msnbc had a very talented radio talk show host simulcast on the tv screen (at any time of the day) and even if the radio talk show host were fair and balanced and non-offensive, it would still be stupid. radio and tv are different. msnbc is a television news channel and ought not to be showing some idiot radio talk show host making a fool of himself every morning. they ought to actually broadcast the news. now i sort of like what keith olbermann does on his show on msnbc and what lou dobbs does on his show on cnn, although it is the same sort of thing done by fox news, the daily show, and the colbert report. the printed press and the internet are full of biased news sites and biased parodies of news sites and all sorts of things like that, including blogs such as this one, and on the internet, standards are a bit different from on television or radio. on the internet, anything goes. communists, neo-nazis, jesus freaks, terrorists, atheists, anarchists, satanists, rogue states, pornographers, hackers, and even the president of the united states all get to have websites and use email and instant messaging and streaming audio/video and filesharing networks and internet relay chat and usenet newsgroups and file transfer protocol. so, someone like don imus is extremely mainstream compared to some of the real wackos out on the internet, and he can certainly do whatever the hell he wants on the internet, just like everybody else. but i think he belongs in radio. the only question is, what company should he work for, to distribute his radio show? what company doesn’t give a damn if its radio hosts insult or offend people? i hope he finds such a company; i think clear channel communications, citadel broadcasting, and infinity broadcasting are all fairly amoral radio companies. and sirius and xm satellite radio might be able to give him a show, since i doubt anyone could effectively boycott either of them. it was right for him to be fired but some other company should now give him a second chance.
and i am starting to think jesse jackson and al sharpton are kinda outdated, wacky, annoying weirdos who keep popping up in the news to get attention, and they are trying to pretend to be the voice of all black people and it pisses me off even though i am not black, because even though i agree with their message most of the time, i wish black people were able to find better people to deliver the message than those 2 clowns. i mean first of all they are both reverends from christian denominations, and i am an atheist and disagree with all their religious nonsense. secondly, they are both unelected. thirdly, they both have long histories of being controversial. they have many similarities to the religious right nutballs like pat robertson and jerry falwell and james dobson. it is weird that the religious left only has 2 major leaders that get a lot of press, and both of them are black. i think the media seeks out controversial and divisive buffoons to play the role of being the leaders of mass popular movements, in order to undermine those movements, since those movements are considered dangerous to the status quo. i have heard about how the media had a major role in creating and shaping the religious right, by promoting the most radical and hateful right-wing extremists among evangelical christianity to be the spokespeople for that movement. i think the media is doing that in order to undermine christianity by making it seem hateful and bad and evil, and also to manipulate religious people into following these egotistical buffoons instead of the teachings of their own religions. and apparently al jazeera has been promoting the most extreme islamic radicals to be spokespeople for the believers of islam, the same way the media of the united states has promoted the religious right into a leadership role in christianity. the media is trying to use al sharpton and jesse jackson to manipulate black people into following those leaders and doing whatever they say, because this will prevent any individual thought among the blacks brainwashed into following, and keep black people from advancing at all in society, the same way that evangelical christians are being brainwashed by the media. i think the media has a centrist bias and tries to keep the country split 50/50 between the 2 political parties on purpose, so that wealthy people can determine who wins elections by who they decide to give money to. it is all a grand scheme to have the rich people control everything. by having the religious right vote republican all the time, and black people vote democratic all the time, the media is able to establish some predictability and keep anything unexpected from happening to undermine the control that wealthy people have on our political system. the media are quite strange in how they vacillate and change their opinions all the time; they used to love bill clinton and got him elected and re-elected, then the media loved john mccain and tried to force him on the republicans in 2000, then in 2001 the media loved rudy giuliani and george w. bush and donald rumsfeld and condi rice. it was strange during the period when the media loved republicans, from about 2000-2004; it started when the supreme court made bush president, and the media decided that they needed to make that be the ending to prevent any more confusion or crisis, especially after al gore conceded. so at that point the media became ridiculously pro-bush, all at once. it was like all the news anchors had suddenly gone through a complete mental reprogramming. this pro-republican bias was gradually wearing out throughout 2001, and they were drifting back toward centrism, when 9/11 happened, and they supported bush more than ever. this unthinking support for bush and republicans in the media did not start to fade away until the summer of 2003, too late to prevent the iraq war, which the media all enthusiastically supported. the hypocrisy of the media is so utterly reprehensible. now the media are actually filled with anti-bush bias, in 2007, and this anti-bush sentiment in the media seems to be because of the events of the year 2005 after bush was re-elected in 2004. the year 2005 was the year everyone turned against bush, 2 years after he invaded iraq. now it is 2007, 4 years after the invasion. and the vacillating hypocrites in the media are still flip-flopping all the time. why do news reporters hold politicians to such a higher standard than the news reporters hold themselves to? don’t the news reporters realize that they created the divisive political atmosphere in the united states, and they are responsible for the spread of terrorism because the way they cover terrorist attacks achieves the terrorist objectives of making people terrified of more terrorism? the media ought to use more moderate voices to represent each side, people who are not racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful or bigoted, and not use abnormals like joe lieberman or chuck hagel to misrepresent the views of the major political parties. and there needs to be less coverage of iraq and less coverage of terrorist attacks, and they need to downplay the whole violence and mayhem aspect of it. the best people to represent the views of political parties are the party leaders from congress. one of the most ridiculous of the flip-flopping media morons is chris matthews from msnbc, who hosts hardball. his opinions change all the time and often are completely at odds with reality or common sense. that is because he is a centrist, and centrists are elitist wealthy bastards who want to keep the country 50/50 so rich people control everything.
strangely enough, i think the wealthy people played an important role in the 2006 elections in electing a democratic congress. you see, although the republicans tried to do everything they could to help out the wealthy, they were so inept at governing and ruined things so badly, the wealthy had a change of heart. a lot of wealthy people decided they wanted people who were actually competent and knew how to govern. so they helped the democrats win big. also, the republicans were doing too much for the religious right, and this was considered dangerous by the wealthy, who, of course, tend to be secular, since morals get in the way of making money. and a lot of the democratic agenda includes things that, in some way, benefit the wealthy, despite not being directly intended for that purpose. increasing the minimum wage is a sure way to increase consumer spending, and more consumption means more production, higher prices, and higher profits. balancing the budget and ending pork-barrel earmarks are also good things that benefit the vast majority of people, including many who are wealthy, since it makes the economy closer to free-market competition, and means lower taxes in the long run. wealthy people are actually just like poor people; i knew lots of wealthy people at cornell and i know poor people at my current job. both types of people behave the same way in the same situation, usually. some wealthy people go around spending lots of money, but plenty of poor people do that too and go into debt in the process. there are also very frugal wealthy people who hardly spend any money, and similar types of poor people who are good at managing their finances and not spending too much. both types, wealthy and poor, take everything they have for granted, but always want more things they don’t have, and are never satisfied. i think this because we all live in the same country together and have the same mass media and the same culture and everything. now there are hard-working people at all levels of the income ladder, just like there are incompetent assholes at all levels. and, as paris hilton has shown, a dumb blonde raised in a life of luxury is no different from a dumb blond raised by a bankrupt single mother drug addict in a trailer park. if i were to go to a club and i saw a hot girl dancing, there would be no way to tell if she is wealthy, poor, or anything in betweeen. maybe if i knew about fashion or stuff like that i could tell by looking at the clothes. but i am not that observant; i just focus on the face and the body parts i am attracted to, and how revealing the clothing is. now, in general, i don’t like wealthy people at all. most of the ones at cornell are real ingrates, who are only there because their parents or someone even farther back in their ancestry actually made some decent money. but the children of the wealthy tend to be the biggest assholes and bitches ever, although perhaps an equal proportion of poor people are like that too. these rich kids think they should be able to do whatever they want, break whatever rules they want, spend as much money as they want, treat other people in whatever way they want, and never have to suffer any negative consequences for anything bad they ever do. i know because i was surrounded by people like that in freshman year in college. luckily, in later years, there were a lot less rich people around, since i kept living in the dorms, and the rich kids all lived in fraternities or sororities, or in off-campus apartment buildings or houses. this meant the people i was around were much more normal and average.
anyway, don imus caters to a wealthy older white male audience, or so i hear. i have a lot more respect for wealthy people who actually made the money themselves than the worthless ingrates who inherit lots of money in exchange for absolutely nothing. i don’t believe wealthy people should be allowed to let their kids inherit lots of money. we need a much higher estate tax, as well as a higher tax on large gifts. and the government ought to monitor the activities of wealthy people who try to manipulate the fates of their adult children by bribing people or using influence to control the situations their children are in. some wealthy people are quite strict with their children and even after the kids grow up into adults, the parents do things like pay someone to have the child thrown into a mental institution. this is actually a very common practice, unfortunately, and one that is very rarely reported on. a lot of times, wealthy parents really really screw up badly in raising their children. the best environment to raise a child is in a middle class 2-parent home in the suburbs. now perhaps the 2 parents are the same gender. that is ok. but often wealthy people are quite busy with important jobs, and their kids are left to run amok, since they have 2 wealthy important parents who are never home. that is the worst environment to raise a child in.
if i were wealthy, i would be strict about use of my money and i would hardly ever let my kids have any of it. i would have them raised by teenage babysitters from the local neighborhood, if my wife and i were both too busy, but i would make sure to spend as much time as possible with them. i would also give them plenty of time alone or to do things they want. and they would go to the local public school, not any private school, and not home-schooled. i might give them curfews but only on school nights, and i would be sure to give them some sex ed at home and talk to them about birth control pills and condoms and abortion, but encourage them to have as much sex as possible as long as they practice safe sex. and i would say it is ok if they don’t have sex too, whatever they decide in that arena i will support. but i won’t buy them cars or anything, although i will probably get each of them their own computer, a very high-end one with a fast internet connection. but not cars or cell phones. if they want that, they would need to get a job to pay for it. but i will probably pay to have them take drivers’ ed classes so they become good at driving cars, and let them practice driving the family car sometimes, or use it if they ask for permission. and as for junk food, i will get them whatever food they want at the supermarket unless they get too fat. then i will become like a soup nazi about food and try to starve them anorexic to make them get thin, and if they want more food they will have to buy it themselves. or i might force them to take diet pills to lose weight if they get too fat. and if my kids bring home any dates or potential mates, i will tell the suitors or suitresses to fuck the brains out of my kids and use condoms and birth control, and i will also force them to take an aids test. i will personally remove some of their blood and then tell them if they are hiv positive. and if they are, no fucking of anybody, ever again, unless the other person has aids too. no child of mine will have aids. oh, and i don’t want any mutant children, like ones with 6 fingers on each hand, or genetic health problems, like down’s syndrome. i want normal human kids. hopefully about 100 of them. originally i wanted about a billion, but i think that might be overdoing it a tad. once my kids turn 18, each of them will get an ak-47 assault rifle and be dropped off in the middle of a downtown city, instructed to commit grand theft auto and other related crimes, just like in the grand theft auto games. well okay, maybe not that part. oh, and all my kids will have to go to college, and if they fail out, they will have to live in poverty on their own until they enroll in college again (and of course i will pay all tuition costs so they have no debt). then, once they graduate and have a college diploma, each of them will get their very own intercontinental ballistic missile, fully armed with a thermonuclear warhead, a hydrogen bomb. then they will be sent forth to conquer the globe in my name. well maybe i won’t do that last part either. but that would be pretty friggen cool. i wonder if don imus has any icbm launchers on the imus ranch that are loaded with thermonuclear weapons. it would be fun if he let the kids there play with them, and gave them the launch codes so the kids could take turns blowing things up. ah crap. i have been playing too many video games lately. my brains is all be fried, mon.
yo don imus! i friggen hate you, but i believe in freedom of speech! i hope you get your radio show back at another station, even though you are an idiot! what you said did not offend me, a white male! i hate everyone, regardless of race or gender, and that includes both my fellow white males (like you, asshole) and black males (like al sharpton and jesse jackson plus guys like clarence thomas or alan keyes) and white females (ann coulter, hillary clinton, the crazy astronaut lady, paris hilton, the bush twins, etc.) and black females (rutgers women’s basketball team). also include people of other genders (transsexuals, people who have been spayed or neutered, hermaphrodites, other odd gender mutants) and people of other races besides white and black (asian, hispanic, native american, mixed race, etc.). you see, all human beings are equally deserving of being hated. this includes nappy headed hos and everybody else. none of us is any better or worse than don imus, or than a nappy headed ho. we all die in the end anyway. it is not like anything actually matters. but white males like me and don imus are evil. everyone else ought to round up all of us white males and have a big old fashioned genocide against us! that would be so friggen kewl! and i would probably actually enjoy being genocideded, too. that is the weird part. kill whitey! white power! whiter than white, albinos of the world, unite! we white people need to escape to antarctica, strip naked, and hide out in the snow, where we will blend in perfectly with our surroundings. then nobody will ever be able to find us. yeah anyway my skin is actually a very light tan color with hints of pink and yellow and very light brown, something crayola calls “peach”. basically the same color as certain types of wood such as balsa. so, i am probably made of wood, or some similar organic material. but only witches are made of wood... anyway, i am not really white. so, i do not really care what sort of final solution is done to eliminate white males, cuz i am a sand-colored male (if you go to the right beach to get the sand). and as for my gender, i hate males anyway. well, at least other males... plus i hate myself a lot too. but i love the other gender, females. not all of them. but some are really awesome. but usually i can find a reason to hate them at the same time as loving them. like, anyone who is ever mean to me automatically goes on my internal enemies list that i keep inside my brain because i am smarter than richard nixon. so basically everyone who i ever met in my entire life is on my nixonian enemies list. so instead of having an enemies list, i simplify by assuming everyone is my enemy except people on my friends list. and i only add people to that list if i am completely sure they are on my side. so, that list is actually empty. or maybe my mom is on it. maybe my dad too, or maybe other family members. maybe some other friends. who knows? nobody knows. anyway, friend or foe, people are all the same, so i treat friend or foe alike, both as friends. no reason for me to be mean to anybody. but i support feminism 100% because i love women and i hate men and men have been treating women like shit for too long and it is time for women to treat men like shit instead, because we deserve it. i also support the black race and all other non-white races in their crusade against whitey, for racial justice; technically, i think asians are superior to everyone else, including me, for one reason and one reason only: because it sounds racist if i say that, and fuck you to whoever is reading this shit. anyway, don imus, fuck you too! i hope you get another radio show, asshole! you deserve it, you pale-faced limp-dicked money-grubbing senile old kook! good luck! and i mean it, even though you insulted liberal bloggers like me! i am just insulting you back, you ugly, smelly, disgusting, greedy, miserly old pervert! if i had a company selling a product, i would definitely want to advertise on your stupid-ass pathetic show! your listeners would probably be stupid enough to buy whatever i was selling, so it would work out great! plus, you would get more money to waste on that stupid ranch of yours, and i could laugh at what an idiot you are! good luck, sir, and keep up the good work... bitch! hail satan, and praise fucking “bob”! and as for god, please make your followers shut the hell up, because they are so annoying! tell allah to stop turning kids into suicide bombers! and jesus? put on some clothes! i heard you were crucified naked! i hope mary magdeline gave you a bj while you were dead on the cross, because that would have been necrophilia and very perverted, and therefore awesome as hell! freedom of speech is so fucking awesome! i love america! usa! usa! if you’re not american, you’re totally gay! hope i offended everyone who read this... now don imus looks tame by comparison, so he can be hired back! woo hoo! hooray for the empty-headed cowboy-hat-wearing white-haired unfunny insult comic and talk show host! you rock, in the sense that you are just about as dumb as a rock! don imus for president! white men unite, purge all dissent! all hail the u.a.e., the united american empire! world domination or bust! world war 3!
Friday, April 13, 2007
some thoughts on the imus thing
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