i have read 2 plays written by the virginia tech killer, seung cho. he is a complete fucking idiot. you would think a 23-year-old english major and senior in college would know better english than the crap in his plays. any decent professor would have failed that dumbass. this shows how dumbed down our american educational system has gotten, even at the university level, that we are letting idiots like seung cho major in subjects they absolutely suck at, and become seniors in college and possibly even graduate. the one good thing to come out of this is that seung cho is not going to get a college diploma, because if that moron did, it would be a stunning indictment of the utter failure of the american educational system to educate our graduates. but his stupidity proved to be his downfall. he seems to be obsessed with violence and profanity and is always mentioning disgusting middle-aged men who are child molesters, judging by the content of his 2 plays. his plays have such a strong hostility towards all people of an older generation, it is astonishing. he hates “rich kids” and “debauchery” too, according to the news. he was just a kid who was consumed with hate, and actually not a kid anymore, a grown-up man by now, but with the mental age of a kid, although physically he is only 1 year younger than me, him 23 and me 24. anyway, i have read online of how he refused to talk to people who tried to be friendly to him, and was a complete loner by choice. i emphasize by choice because many people are loners due to shyness and things which, at least to them, seem like circumstances beyond their control. but from descriptions of his behavior, it is obvious that he was probably completely different, and chose to be a loner because he despised other people, rather than out of fear of making a fool of himself. he was driven by hate, not fear. as for me, i am driven by fear, and all other emotions are secondary. hate only enters into the picture for me towards what i am afraid of and do not understand. but it is odd how little real anger i ever have, or real sadness, the type where a person actually cries. oh there is depression, hopelessness, a sense of impending doom, complete despair, utter mental collapse, but all of that is based upon the never-ending fear that consumes the very essense of my being at all times. that is the reason i try so hard to avoid dealing with reality and try to live in a fantasy world, why i enjoy humor and the church of the subgenius and tv shows and video games and all sorts of other ways to escape reality. but i do hate reality. i hate what i do not understand, because i must understand everything, and my mind cannot stand any uncertainty. this is why we have religion, because ancient people, like me, could not stand not having all the answers, so they had to make up answers to things they could not explain. religion is the ultimate expression of human frailty. or perhaps a shooting spree like the one at virginia tech might be the ultimate expression of human frailty. there are many ultimate expressions of human frailty. but seung cho chose his fate willingly, and meticulously planned his actions, which he did all on his own, without telling anyone else in advance. this is all obvious from what little i have read about him, and my own ability to, shall we say, empathize with his situation. now i have my own reasons for being able to empathize with such a psycho more than the average bloke; i suspect some of his mental turmoils were similar to some of mine, but obviously there were plenty of differences too. for one thing, i was never raped or sexually abused by an older man, or by anyone, for that matter. i was abused in the normal ways everyone is abused: people insulting you or hitting you, that kind of nonsense. everyone has been insulted and hit at least a few times. it was not overly harsh for me, except perhaps the insulting part. i think i got a lot more of that than most people. that was the main reason for my bitterness towards my peers at school, and i had also made the psychological mistake of generalizing my fear and hatred from just the bullies to all of my classmates. and i did not like my parents either. they seemed to care about me, but they had a funny way of showing it, being so controlling and overprotective, my willpower seemed to fade away to nothing unless i actively resisted them all the time. perhaps that is my own psychological weakness, my own lack of will, and not really the fault of anyone but myself. but it is true that i have very little willpower at all. virtually zero. perhaps that is why no violence ever came of my hate towards others, and instead i acted as a slave or servant to them, doing whatever other students asked me to do, since it was so rare that anyone would ever say anything to me other than an insult. it felt like an honor to even be asked to do somebody’s homework or take up their lunch tray, since at least i was associating with cool people, even though it was also strangely embarrassing and humiliating. i am not the type of person to get into fights, since i do not think i would fight back even if hit. but at times my willpower does emerge, though only rarely. when it does emerge, it is unstoppable, and impossible to oppose. unless you wait long enough. like, say, maybe an hour. by then all my willpower is gone. but i can maintain a strong stance and have willpower and actually control my own actions for brief periods of time. i wonder what life was like for seung cho, or for any of the people he murdered. how many were there? 32? and he killed himself too. that was the only one of the killings he did that was actually justified. when he killed himself at the end, he did our nation a service by punishing the criminal responsible for all the reprehensible crimes he had committed. we can rest safely at night, assured that the psycho killer seung cho is no longer alive, plotting his next massacre. but yes, i do understand why he killed all those people. i mean, look? was their any future for him? an antisocial asian guy who was stupid, who completely sucked at the subject he was majoring in? no. to be honest, his life prospects were not that great. this was one of the few ways he could make himself famous and actually amount to something in his life. now, to be fair, his grasp of colloquial english and swear words is quite advanced for someone of asian birth, whose native tongue was not even an indo-european language. but he was certainly no william shakespeare. now maybe there are a few other ways he could have made it big, but i suppose he just wanted to make headlines and was sick and tired of his stupid little life. the only problem is how dreadfully wrong and evil the whole massacre was, and i kind of wonder how he justified it to himself. i suppose he just considered himself to be evil and embraced that as his self-identity, rather than trying to rationalize his own violent actions to himself. it would have been far better for him not to take the lives of any innocents, and simply execute himself for the crimes he was about to commit before committing them, thus saving countless lives. in other words, perhaps suicide by itself is better than murdering others along with a suicide. i think at some level, we have to respect people’s decisions to terminate their own lives, because who are we to judge, having never walked in their shoes or felt their pain firsthand? we may disagree with someone deciding to commit suicide, and hopefully we disagree quite strongly and prevent it from happening. but ultimately each individual is responsible for his or her own actions. for someone such as seung cho, i imagine he thought little of the question of whether there is an afterlife. for him, real life was hell, and if he went to hell afterwards, it could not possibly be any worse, at least in his mind. perhaps he thought he was damned anyway, so he might as well earn it by being as evil as possible. or maybe he did not believe in an afterlife at all, and thought everything was meaningless. he might have even believed in buddhism and reincarnation, or something like that. who knows? all someone like myself can do is speculate, but my speculation is informed by my own life experiences, which i think are at least somewhat like his. i do have one thing that i am almost positive of. i am almost certain that seung cho’s race had absolutely nothing to do with him killing all those people. he would have done the same thing if he were white, black, native american, latino, or mixed race. but his gender did have something to do with it. mass murderers are almost all males. it is some bizarre twist of nature that makes men so much more willing to kill a bunch of other people than women. and as a male, i find that very disturbing. my people, the males, are to blame. we must right the wrongs we have committed before we start making accusations against womankind for their various problems. my mental status is quite odd, because although people on the autism spectrum are thought to have an extreme form of the male brain, anxiety disorders are much more common among females, and i have other personality characteristics more common among females such as timidity. i was thinking about evil lately, and about demons (demons, of course, figure prominently in many video games and television shows, among other things). i was thinking perhaps a mad scientist from a satanic cult could devise a satanic electrical generator or a satanic engine, powered by hellfire. you see, electrical generators use heat to boil water to release pressurized steam to turn a turbine where wire is coiled around a magnet, and this generates electrical current in the wire. the heat can be from any source, whether it is burning something (actually any exothermic chemical reaction will work), or a nuclear reactor, or geothermal power. and other forms of electrical generation involve a mechanical source rather than a heat source, such as hydroelectric and wind generators, thus bypassing the step of having to boil water and create pressurized steam. anyway, a perfect source of heat for an electrical generator that makes electricity from heat would be hellfire, channeled through the demonic energies of a demon that has been summoned from hell, and signed a contract in blood with the mad scientist who summoned the demon here to earth. i was just thinking how wonderfully creative this idea of mine was and how it was not only humorous but might go nicely into a work of ridiculous fiction that i write. so, i have put it in this blog entry. perhaps an expert in demonology or a satanist might be able to devise a demonic-powered perpetual motion machine, violating all the laws of conventional secular physics. i leave it to you, the reader, to devote your evil energies to creative tasks such as this, rather than destructive tasks like the mass murder at virginia tech. remember, dear readers: the great inventor thomas edison was a very evil and malicious individual, if you ever got to know him. that is a historical fact. you could ask nikola tesla but he is dead now. and along with tesla died tesla’s secret designs for weapons of mass destruction more destructive than a nuclear bomb, ones that, luckily, were probably only the crazed designs of a haggard old mad scientist who had once been a real scientist, at a much younger age. and perhaps tesla was wrong to judge thomas edison so harshly, but then why is con edison such a con? at least the shooter at virginia tech did not have any weapons of mass destruction. if he were actually smart like nikola tesla (and not that good-for-nothing rascal thomas edison) he would have been able to electrocute hundreds or even thousands of people at once, by harnessing the immense destructive capabilities of high-voltage electricity as nikola tesla often did in his experiments. thomas edison, on the other hand, invented a horrible energy hog known as the incandescent light bulb, which is far inferior to the fluorescent light or the light emitting diode. and i know that a liquid crystal display is much more energy efficient than a cathode ray tube and also much more compact, but i still prefer the cathode ray tube. it reminds me of tesla. what can you say? i am a traditionalist. now it would be interesting if, after this mass murder, we as a society could go through a very thorough process of weeding out all the dangerous individuals, and then making them fight to the death on pay-per-view like the gladiators of ancient rome. then we would truly have returned to the dark ages and become the barbarians that our ancestors once were. i am descended from vicious men who raped, murdered, plundered, and pillaged. they were called the huns. today their ancestors are called the hungarians, and i am one half hungarian. they call themselves the magyars. i know psychologists and sociologists have studied how good people can go bad, and how a good society can go bad. how, you ask? very easily. why else do you think thomas edison went around killing innocent cats and dogs that he paid the neighborhood children to bring to him? and to think... edison got his jollies by electrocuting to death poor innocent pets that he paid innocent little children to steal for him. any society that looks up to people like him has got to be a sick society. and that is why people like seung cho kill people. all of his writings were a complete product of american popular culture, which is full of glorified images of horrific violence. our society manufactured him, the psycho killer, out of the raw material, a young immigrant to this country, through our television shows and movies and video games and novels. the mass media will turn any person into a psycho if that person does not also get some positive interaction with other human beings. he was simply brainwashed, like, dare i say, the manchurian candidate. combine that with being an immigrant and having to learn a new language, being sexually molested by a middle-aged man, and never having any friends, and being an untalented writer majoring in english, and you have a lethal combination. he was like a ticking time bomb. if only someone from the future went back in time and defused him. damn you, people of the future, for your rigid non-interference in the past! you ought to come back here and fix things with your 20/20 hindsight! but no... people from the future never come back in time to help us out, here in the past. or maybe everyone else has moved on to the present and only i am stuck in the past. that must be why i still address everyone as “thee” and “thou”. oh, and would someone please remove all the pro-slavery stuff from the constitution? some of my neighbors down south are missing 2/5 of their humanity. and one last thing: fuck you, king george. now could someone please lend me about 200 years? i am sure i will use them very wisely, to catch back up to the present, now that the future has finally started and even the present has been left in the dustbin of history. think about that, a present left unopened, in a dustbin. i am gonna open it, i swear. i really will. ok, i am opening it right now. 3...2... 1... go! whew... what a relief! finally it is 2007 again... oh wait all those innocent college students just got killed oh god no... i am going back in time again, this present looks like the gift from hell... no wait, it is an engine powered by demonic energy... seems to be quite useful... gets infinity miles per gallon... i guess i will go put it in my car right now. then my car will become a demon car and drive straight to hell. hey, satan could use a new car. he hasn’t gotten one since that last volkswagen hitlermobile went straight to hell on the autobahn. speaking of which, apparently some german military commander has a training video where he teaches german soldiers to pretend they are shooting black people in the bronx whenever they shoot their guns. i am glad the germans have moved on from their nazi past, and are now able to hate entirely new groups of... wait... no... apparently, i am just getting word that hitler hated black people. oh well. anyway, this korean kid, some people are saying maybe he was a muslim terrorist. why is everyone always a muslim terrorist all the time? just for once, i would like to meet someone who is not a muslim terrorist. just once. i mean, come on. there has got to be somebody out there who is not a muslim terrorist. you know, someone who is attractive and female and wants to have sexual intercourse with me... wait... no... that is actually what i want in real life, not some stupid fake non-joke i am making up. well ok... i am not that picky about girls. even muslim terrorist girls are ok. just blow yourself up after sex and not before, ok? because i don’t believe in that 72 virgins crap. and besides, the virgins are probably all guys who committed suicide-bombings. imagine their surprise on finding out that the muslim heaven is a gay paradise, but a hell for heterosexuals! next time specify which gender of virgin you want! now satanists, obviously, get 666 dirty whores, instead of 72 virgins. of course the dirty whores are all evil, and instead of sex, they just kill you, and you die and go to hell all over again, in an endlessly repeating cycle. well actually it only happens 666 times. but satanists can’t count so that seems like an eternity to them. once it is over they realize they are still alive, they just suffered from temporary insanity, and then they accept jesus christ as their personal savior and repent, quit their jobs, and slack off. eventually, after drug abuse destroys each of their bodily organs one by one and major advances are made in robotics and medical science, they end up being 100% robot. and then the flow of time reverses and everything happens backwards once again, only this time, the backwards is in reverse. these are truly the end times. the apocalypse will happen on july 5th of this year at 7:00 am eastern daylight savings time. don’t forget it, because if you miss it, it won’t happen again. ever. you will be left behind, along with all the other humans. and after the apocalypse comes armageddon. then after that, things might seem ok for awhile, but then the end of the world comes along. and then the end of the universe. and that is only the beginning of what is in store for you, now that the future has become the past! behold your destiny: you will be caught in an infinite loop, because the universe started right when it ended, and everything happened all over again. good luck: you will have needed it. you might even die someday! and that is if you are lucky. the unlucky ones will be trapped forever in the time cube.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
why the virginia tech killer killed people
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